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Main » 2009 » September » 20 » The Potter and the Clay
0:05 AM
The Potter and the Clay

"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the LORD. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. (Jer 18:6)

A Potter... is the One that Molds the Clay and then the Clay becomes a Pot or any thing that the potter molds. Without the potter, the clay will always be a clay... Clay is Useless.... dirty.... and we are the Clay... US... human beings. God is the Potter. Without God, we can do Nothing (John 15:5)

God gave us talents, gifts and abilities. And I believe that He gave each bloggers the Ability to spread God's Love through Online Blogging. But sometimes, we use our talents, gifts and abilities without God. But once you surrendered these things to the real Potter... Once you use these Talents, Gifts, Abilities, Knowledge and Wisdom for God's Kingdom... We can use them to the fullness.
God continues to Look for those Christians who will allow Him to Mold them. He is also looking for more David who writes Psalms and Solomon who writes Ecclesiastes and Proverbs on the internet. But just remember that a Clay has no place of it's own, no aspiration for service, nor reluctance to perform once it's given task. Christians can't be used in advancing God's Kingdom without God molding them in their talents, skills etc...
Even though Solomon is the wisest king, He still needed God. So Christian Bloggers. Do not blog without Jesus' Knowledge. We are only Clay. He is the Potter.

Jesus... Continue to Mold me.. Use me... Fill me... I give my Life to the Potter's hands.

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