Ken: I’m born in San Francisco and I currently live in Southern California after attending college there for 5 years. I love music, I play bass guitar, and I’m currently learning acoustic guitar. I also love food and cooking. I’m also a big fan of comedy and I've been able to change my voice into many different accents as well as fictional/non-fictional characters.
CBC: What's the story behind your Blog title
Ken: My blog title is a spin off of my ancestry. I am half Japanese, quarter Irish, and quarter German, hence, I am "Eurasian.” The name "Eurasian Ken” also came about after I named my other two blogs "Eurasian Aviation” and "Eurasian Epicurean.”
CBC: What's the most memorable experience you've had as a Christian?
Ken: I always remember the times when I’m completely filled in the spirit. One day when I super anxious about my future and also after I had just finished a job interview gone horribly wrong, I became depressed throughout the day. But that night, when I went to our church’s prayer meeting, I remember completely letting myself surrender to the Lord. I was then on the floor, rolling around, laughing uncontrollably. It was then that I knew that I was filled with the spirit and I remember leaving feeling a sense of pure joy that couldn't be overtaken. I knew then and there, that God was with me. And indeed He has, as He’s always continued to provide for me and protect me.
CBC: What's the most memorable experience you've had as a Christian Blogger?
Ken: As a blogger, my most memorable article had to be the one on biracials. It was quite a personal article for me because I really had a chance to reflect on who I am.
CBC: What motivates you to write your blog?
Ken: Well, my biggest motivation is to simply express my own thoughts and place them out there for people to see. If my words turn out to be encouraging or entertaining, thats a plus too. But its mainly my own thoughts wanting to be expressed that motivates me to write.
CBC: What is your favorite verse and why
Ken: The one that comes to mind now is Romans 8:1-2 which says "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.” I like this verse because it reminds us that we ourselves cannot set ourselves free from sin. It’s a good reminder that we need Jesus everyday in order to live the life the God calls us to live.
CBC: Lastly, Any message to the readers/bloggers ?
Ken: Devote your life to God everyday through prayer, worship, and reading scripture. Its an everyday decision we need to make in order to have a strong relationship with God. Remember to also love God and love one another.